Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There's A Baby in the House!

Yes, there was a baby in the house! As some of you know, the Griffith family loves babies...yes, even Tim and Josh love babies! Well, a few weeks back, we watched Norah Lytle for a few hours. Erika is holding little Norah. She just finished her vegetables... and no, she did not feed herself as it may look! Anyway, we had a great time with her. Josh had her giggling which was hysterical to watch. I just love a babies giggle. So, I wonder when there will be a baby in the house again?


The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

uhm....if you want a baby, I know where, how, logistics, and all it takes to get one!! Let me know when you're ready!!

Debi Walter said...

I must say that she is the one of the cutest little girls I know (the other one's name is Bristol!) I thoroughly enjoy having her in my house too! It's all coming back to me - but the giggles make it all worth it. From Norah's (and Bristol's) Nana!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Awe, she is so adorable! I heard her laugh on her mommy's blog. Too precious!!!

Tracy said...

Aww - what a cutie. You can borrow her any time you want. Just call and I will come and drop her off until you've had your 'baby in the house' fix =)

Debi Walter said...

Tammy - I clicked on the comment by "shakadal" and it immediately started my virus protection running. It must be a spam comment with infections on it. DON"T click on the link like I did. You might want to delete it altogether, and if you know who it's from maybe let them know about it. I thought you'd want to know. Take care!