Sunday, June 15, 2008

No Shoes, No Service!

So, what do you do when you get to your destination (orthodontist) and your 10 year old leaves his shoes at home?

Well, you send your daughter in without you, sit in the car, windows rolled down (because you don't want to run the car because of gas prices), sweat profusely in the 93 degree heat, and try to have as much fun as possible for the next 45 minutes!

Yes, this kind of stuff happens pretty regularly in this family. And, the funny thing is, I don't have babies or toddlers! We just have Josh! A young boy who keeps us going!


The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

yep....I can totally relate! Smiles coming your way!!

Mary Ann said...

No shoes, No service at the Moran’s…
Our 8 year old likes to put his shoes on while in the car. So one Sunday morning, he put his shoes in the car and ran back into the house to get something. When we arrive at church, 30 minutes later, there are no shoes or socks (his socks were down inside the shoes) to be found. After some investigation, we found out our oldest was trying to be helpful and cleaned out the car while he was waiting for everyone to get in the car. He had put the shoes back into the house…
There were no shoes and we missed the service