Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Josh' Hair

Josh' wild hair in the pool! What do you think of Josh' hair these days? A picture down the side of the blog shows Josh' hair on a typical day. I would love to hear opinions... Do you like longer hair on boys? How long is too long? What about short hair? Why do we choose different styles, lengths and colors over another? Is it just preference or do other factors come into play?

Mom, I know what you think already...but, isn't Josh so handsome?


Tracy said...

I like the long hair look. Although this whole shaved, buzz cut look seems to be popular these days.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Personally, I think he looks adorable on the side bar pic...If you have hair that can do that - go for it!! :o)

Erin said...

I say if long hair looks good then go for it. Some kids it just wouldn't fly...but it works for Josh! Keegan looks good with his hair grown out a bit...but Caleb...umm...not so much... shouldn't get to ponytailish...that's just not cool for any boy :)

Unknown said...

My boys would love to have longer hair, but they just don't look good with it. We have tried but especially Johnathan's hair is so think and coarse that it just looks dirty when he trys to grow it out. When Nick grows his, it is like puppet hair, just keeps growing out like a fro! Josh's hair looks good longer. But he is so handsome, he would look good no matter what style he chooses!

Debi Walter said...

Okay, I'll take the bait about the motive behind the long hair. That's something that would be good to ask Josh. Like Danny often says Why do we do the things we do, and who do we do them for. Now, I know this can sound self-righteous, so I have to ask myself the same questions...hmmm...this little poll has a bite to it!

Tammy said...

Thanks for all the responses. It has me thinking and praying...

Medana22 said...

Alright, this is only my opinion. I think that longer hair on boys if fine (Colin had his long and shaggy for a while)...IF their parents are ok with it, IF they are ok with it, and IF it doesnt look nasty, greasy, girly, or dirty oh and IF they can see when they are speaking to you.
BTW...Your son is a cutie:)