Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Send the Birds!

Well, our bird feeder has been up waiting for birds to come for about 4 weeks now. Josh has been patiently awaiting the arrival of at least one bird! I've read it takes about 6 weeks for birds to go to a new feeder. I hope what I've read is correct. We live in a subdivision and a lot of the trees have been removed. However, around the perimeter of the subdivision is lots of woods which gives me hope that birds will come. So, join me in praying that God would send the birds so Josh can enjoy this little science project/experiment!

1 comment:

Debi Walter said...

I've heard that birds will come faster if they feel safe. I put my feeder right next to a tree in our backyard, and within days the little swallows found it. They would fly into the tree's branches and then, jump out for a quick snack. It's the cutest thing!