Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fire Safety 101 !!

Well, what a Monday it was here at the Griffith household. See, I sent Josh out to the garage to sharpen two pencils before we began school. I know it is pretty weird that our electric pencil sharpener is out in the garage. What can I say! Anyway, after a few moments, I was wondering why it was taking Josh so long to sharpen two pencils. To make a long story short, the boy had emptied the pencil sharpener shavings onto the garage floor, and with a lighter started a little fire! Meanwhile using a frisbee to fan the flame. Fortunately, there was no flame when I got there. You see he took a course last year and was taught how to build a fire. I think he missed the part of "don't try this at home" or "safety first".
Needless to say, all is good now and with some instruction from the loving parents, that is a rap on Fire Safety 101!!


Erin said...

ummm...holy smokes (no pun intended). I would have freaked out! Time to move the pencil sharpner inside....well maybe? :)

The VanLue House of Happy Chaos said...

This house knows why the pencil sharpener is outside!!!!LOL! Was your car in the garage??!! You may not remember this...but when Leni was three, she drank gas ...yes gasoline because it looked like Maple Syrup...we were reading Little HOuse in the Big woods at the time and they had a maple syrup sugaring off party. She thought gas looked like Maple Syrup. Lots of things happen in the garage!! Glad you're all ok. Maybe you should put the sharpener in .....your fire proof safe??

Katherine Peschau said...

WOW! Once I knew everything was ok, I started laughing :) Hope you are doing well and enjoying the school year!