As you may know, we love children around here, especially Erika! Lauren is just as cute as she can be and Erika loves her. I think Lauren likes her too!
We had Norah over one day and she was so funny. She hopped up in one of ours beds with her blanket and started to snore. We got the biggest kick out of that!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Erika's Girls
Posted by
10:01 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Homegroup Christmas Party!
We had our homegroup Christmas party last week at the Black's house. They excel in servicing and love to show hospitality. Anyhow, when everyone arrived, we gave them an assignment by giving each group a $5.00 bill to spend at the mall. The object was to spend $5.00 and not anymore and to get the best deal! After that, we ate yummy food, did a white elephant gift exchange and spent some time reflecting on some evidences of God's grace in each person. We always enjoy that part the most! We missed Caleb this year as he was working in North Carolina!
Posted by
11:51 PM
Labels: Holidays
HG Kids Christmas Party
A couples weeks ago we had a homegroup kids Christmas party. We all met at Walk Through Bethlehem in Longwood where we toured the town of Bethlehem. This is something that Tim and I have done since Erika was 3 years old. We can now recite everything! Then we went back to our house where we had the garage set up for 17 children (including teens) for a pizza party, crafts, and decorating cookies. We decided awhile back that the teens would help Tim and I so that the parents could spend some time in the house eating and in fellowship without their kiddos. I didn't get any picture of the kids in the garage! It was a lot of fun to do and hope the parents enjoyed their time!
Posted by
11:27 PM
Labels: Holidays
Home Decorations
This year, I got a real tree to put in the family room! Tim and I have been married 21 years and never had a real tree. I've been so excited about it! I also have my fake tree in the living room but oh, how I love the real tree that the kids decorated with all their handmade ornaments! Also, every year, I try to add to my Christmas in the City collection. However, instead of adding to it, I had to subtract a little. Yes, I broke a small figurine of a police officer and two kids! Well, maybe next year I will add to my collection!
Posted by
11:12 PM
Labels: Holidays
Kid's Christmas Production
Metro did a kids Christmas production for children Kindergarten through 5th grade this year. Stephanie J did a wonderful job heading this up! Josh sang in the choir and got to be Joseph. He was very excited and took his part very seriously. He couldn't stop talking about it!
Posted by
11:01 PM
Labels: Holidays
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Take Your Time Checking Out!
I've always tried really hard to look at the cash register when checking out of a store. There have been so many times items ring up incorrect. Now that I've been doing the grocery game for several months, I'm even more interested to see if items are ringing up correct. Today, I went to CVS to get a few things and sure enough something did not ring up the sale price.
I can't imagine how many times people just walk out of the store unaware that they just overspent because the price didn't ring up correctly. I know I've done it plenty of times only to get home and a few days later to notice the mistake. Then, I have to make a special trip back to the store.
Standing in front of the cash register monitoring every items being scanned can at times be challenging especially when you have kids in the cart, a cell phone going off, and an impatient customer behind you. However, the benefit in the long run is worth the extra effort.
So, if you can avoid bringing the kids, not answering your cell phone, and smiling at the customer behind you, I say take your time checking out! It will save you money!
Posted by
11:46 PM
Labels: Money
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What A Week!
Well, it was one of those weeks where you just have to say....AHHHHH!
Here is just a snippet:
I started therapy this week on my dislocated shoulder. Getting out the door at 7:30 am posed quite a challenge. Not sure why though! Also, we are still in the midst of remodeling our master bathroom.... we are on the six month plan and should be done next week! The tile guy was here but now gone only to leave behind many mistakes. That's okay, I love taking a shower in the guest bathroom.... not really!
Tuesday, we moved all the bedroom furniture (master bedroom and both kids rooms) into the common areas of the house because Wednesday the carpet man was coming. Well, the carpet man came and just before he cut the carpet he said "take a look to make sure this is the right carpet".... To my surprise, it was not the right carpet. So, on the phone I get and explain that this is not the carpet I ordered. Long story short.... we decided we could live with this carpet (same brand, same quality). Or, I just couldn't live the next five days with a matress in my kitchen! Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised that the carpet looks great and I'm happy. Oh, all the while this is going on, Josh is calling me to come take a look at the wild hog the trappers caught next door. Of course I had to take a look and get a few pictures.
Needless to say, we had homegroup somewhere else. I actually thought if we hurried, we could get our house put back together in time... NOT!
Did I mentioned, science co-op, homeschooling, piano, voice lessons, basketball practice and a basketball game all happened during the week?
Though a crazy week, it was kind of comical. Okay, just a little comical!
This week, painting the outside of the house, finishing up the tile in the bathroom and re-soding some areas in the grass.
It really is hard to complain when I look at all that God has given me. I'm grateful for I live free of persecution...yes, what a week!
Posted by
7:04 PM
Labels: remodeling
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wild Things!
And, I don't mean my children! Sorry, I just couldn't help it. In our subdivision for the past couple weeks, we have seen some wild hogs running around! Pretty funny.. until they destroyed our neighbors yard. The other day, trappers, I guess that is what they call them... caught a mother hog and her two babies. And yesterday, they caught the daddy! Josh was so excited that he had to go out there and see exactly what they were doing. Then, Erika got in on the whole thing. A very exciting school day to say the least!
Posted by
8:11 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
We Have a New President!
Well, last night marks a very historical milestone in history. Obama, an African American was elected the 44th President of the United States. I can honestly say that I had this huge pit in my stomach last night as the results were confirmed. Not because he is African American, but because of his political and moral views he has. I woke this morning, the pit in my stomach was gone and I began to reflect on how God is sovereign. Yes, I can say that with confidence knowing that God knows all things and this is not a surprise to Him. And then, as Erika and I were talking about the election and the outcome, she said "I'm going to concentrate on how amazing it is to see an African American as President." I love the fact that she is very sensitive and has postured her heart this way. You see one of her good friends is African American, she is currently studying in history/literature for the past 13 weeks on the Civil War, and she would love to open an orphanage someday in Africa. Though I may not agree with Obama's views, I have two embrace it or reject it. May we find a way to embrace this new season for our country.
Posted by
11:09 PM
Labels: Election
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Presidential Election
I've always voted on Election Day. However, this year, Tim decided that we were going to do absentee ballot. This was very strange as I like to bring Erika and Josh to the polls. But, this gave me a better opportunity to talk with them about the election and take a look at the ballot. Josh had lots of questions about Amendment 2 and was quite concerned.
Well, I turned in my vote last week. What about you?
This year, at least there is no fighting over the "I Voted" sticker!
Posted by
4:23 PM
Labels: Politics
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Fall Festival
Our family for the last couple years has gone to this festival in Winter Springs. We had several families join us again this year. They do such a good job and everyone seems to have a good time. Outside they have several bounce houses, food, and music. And, indoors they have games, candy, and contests. Josh got second place in a jello eating contest and Tim got first place in a contest where you had to eat two crackers and then be the first one to whistle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Then he won 2nd place in the jello eating contest. It was so funny! He has such youth in him!
Posted by
1:56 PM
Labels: Family Fun
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wedding Bells are Ringing!
Well, they are not ringing in this house, but they are ringing for Matt Brice and Jessica Milliner! They were engaged a couple weeks ago and a wedding is planned for the end of January.
Josh has always wanted to be in a wedding. He is so funny! He really wants to wear a tuxedo. So, even before Jess was engaged, Josh just blatantly asked her if he could be in her wedding! That's my boy. I think Jess was caught a little off guard. Anyhow, a couple weeks ago, she came over and asked Josh to be a junior groomsmen in her wedding. Josh was in complete shock and he pretended to pass out. It was hysterical. He even asked a couple times if she was serious. He is looking forward to getting fit for the tux. Wait until I tell him he can't keep it!
Both Erika and Tim are in the wedding as well!
Can't wait to hear the wedding bells ring!
Posted by
10:16 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Labor Day Party!
Yes, very late posting of pictures but I've been having problems with We had a great day at the Black's house. And, some people went to play tennis at a tennis court just a few feet from the Black's. The kids had fun in the pool (and so did the big kids)!
Posted by
7:44 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Does anyone know why is not letting you upload pictures anymore? Also, how is everyone uploading pictures these days?
Posted by
4:07 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
MRI Results
Well, I had an MRI (arthrogram) done on Tuesday for my shoulder. I then went to my orthopaedic doctor on Friday for the results. The MRI revealed that I have a torn labrum in my shoulder (shoulder dislocation). Basically, the tissue has pulled away from the ligament. I'm not sure if I prepared myself for that. Anyhow, the doctor has recommended doing some exercises at home to strenghthen the muscles around the tendon and see what happens. The next step would be to do surgery. The surgery itself is 2 hours long and a recovery time of about 6 months, with at least one month in a sling. I'm not ready to do anything like that.
Please pray that the exercises I do at home would make things better!
Posted by
10:19 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Past Six Weeks!
Here's a little recap of what's been going on for the past six weeks!
1. Homeschool started August 4th
2. Homegroups started back up
3. Science co-op began
4. Plan and attend a bridal shower
5. Tropical storm comes and our floors have water damage
6. Tim goes to the reserves for 12 days
7. Tim goes back to the reserves for 2 days
8. Josh starts a little fire in the garage
9. I tripped and fell and injured my shoulder
10 Josh gets a pretty good spider bite on his neck
11 Masterbath is still under re-modeling
12 Bball conditioning begins for Erika
13 Grocery game gets me excited every week
14 Tim is an amazing husband and father who is very involved in our lives
15 We laugh at the most random things
16 Prepare for the Senior Luncheon
Well, I think that raps things up.
Amazed by His grace, mercy and love!
Posted by
7:23 PM
Labels: Family
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Repairs Begin!
Tim got home on Friday after being gone for 12 days and since then has been busy getting things in order to start the repairs on our home. The tropical storm hit us pretty hard and we have plenty to do for the next several months. Or should I say Tim has lots to keep him busy. I am not much help construction-wise, but I can get drinks and food for my hard worker! Anyhow, Tim is going to work on the outside of the house first before starting on the inside. Of course, whenever projects like this come up, the wheels start turning in my head. It goes something like this.."Hey, seeing that we have to replace the wood floors in the kitchen, why don't we eliminate the little laundry room and open up the kitchen more." My poor husband... if he hasn't enough to do! But, I have to admit, it would really expand our kitchen a lot if we just knocked down the wall! Oh, my big ideas! I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm a very blessed person and very grateful I have a husband that doesn't mind working hard. So, with that said, let the repairs begin. Anyone want to join us?
Posted by
11:29 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Never a Dull Moment in our Home!
Yesterday, I had a little mishap of my own. I fell and dislocated my shoulder/arm. At first, I thought I broke it. But after a couple minutes, I knew it must be a dislocation. So, I decided to move/adjust my shoulder and I heard this loud "pop" and immediately felt relief. I'm pretty sore though. I would imagine it is from the actual fall. The kids took great care of me last night as I was in some pain. They were so great! Tim often wonders why it is that so many unusual things happen when he is gone? Oh, I don't know. What I do know is, there is never a dull moment in our home!
Posted by
1:16 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fire Safety 101 !!
Well, what a Monday it was here at the Griffith household. See, I sent Josh out to the garage to sharpen two pencils before we began school. I know it is pretty weird that our electric pencil sharpener is out in the garage. What can I say! Anyway, after a few moments, I was wondering why it was taking Josh so long to sharpen two pencils. To make a long story short, the boy had emptied the pencil sharpener shavings onto the garage floor, and with a lighter started a little fire! Meanwhile using a frisbee to fan the flame. Fortunately, there was no flame when I got there. You see he took a course last year and was taught how to build a fire. I think he missed the part of "don't try this at home" or "safety first".
Needless to say, all is good now and with some instruction from the loving parents, that is a rap on Fire Safety 101!!
Posted by
9:25 PM
Labels: Josh
Friday, August 22, 2008
Water Damage!
Well, this tropical storm that has swept through central Florida has really hit us hard. We have water damage in at least four rooms; the kids bedrooms, our bedroom and the kitchenette. It is in the same areas as last time. The last hurricane we had, the same problem happened. Anyhow, with Tim leaving for out of town for 12 days, he is working hard to do what he can before he leaves. What a mess! Needless to say, I'm grateful that my house is not flooded! I hope we can resolve the problem so it won't happen again. I have pictures of the damage and perhaps will post them later.
Tim went over to a friends house last night and helped him secure some of their water issues. Wow, it has happened to more people than I thought.
What about you? How did you weather the storm?
Posted by
8:51 AM
Labels: storm
Monday, August 11, 2008
Let The Games Begin!
You are probably thinking I'm talking about the Olympics. Well, even though they have begun and I've loved watching them, I just started the Grocery Game! And it really has been fun. So much so that my husband has said, you are really into this! Yes I am and I'm sure after a couple months he will be thrilled that I've begun this game. Anyhow, I'm collecting coupons, getting my buy one get one free at Publix and CVS and of course using the coupon that goes along with it! So far, I've lowered my grocery bill by $25.00 per week and look forward to it going down even further as I get better at this game.
Question for anyone. I know you can use coupons at Walmart but can you use competitors flyers there too? For instance, if Publix is offering buy one get one free on cereal, can you bring that ad to Walmart and they will honor that?
Posted by
10:32 AM
Labels: Fun
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Golf Camp
Josh spent a week with one of his friends at golf camp. By the end of the week he actually had a pretty good swing! What another fun sport to do with his dad!
Posted by
9:16 PM
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Beach Fun!
The beach at Anna Maria Island is just gorgeous. The kids had a great time snorkeling, collecting seashells and playing in the sand!
Posted by
11:04 PM
Labels: Family Fun, Vacation
Well, I have lots of pictures to post so I'm trying to organize them is some sort of fashion. The guys had a real good time hanging out, enjoying the sun, snorkeling, and playing the Wii. The ladies had just as much fun too!
Posted by
9:56 PM
Labels: Family Fun, Vacation
Monday, July 14, 2008
Vacation Reflections - Take Two
What a wonderful vacation we had indeed! But, it wouldn't be a vacation without some mishaps along the way, wouldn't it? Well, here is goes....
-I forget the large package of chicken (from Sams Club) at home that was going to feed 14 people for dinner. To Publix I go to replace it.
-Claire has a sore throat and is taking it easy. Erika and Hannah concerned about getting it.
-Emma being supervised by Josh and Claire up in a tower. Yikes!
-Josh gets a bathing suit rash and begins walking like there is something in his pants. He thinks about wearing a speedo next time! Mom says no..hee hee!
-Josh' wounds from a scooter accident burns in the salt water. Tim puts superglue on the wound and he proceeds to play
-Matthew... let's just leave it at that!
-Emma throws up and is sick for a day. Erika and Hannah are now freaking out!
-Jon hits another boat with our rented pontoon boat. His backseat drivers do not help him!
-Someone pooped in the pool. Yuck! It was not one of our kids. Management begins the cleanup.
-Walking on a flat pier with no siderails with 8 children wondering who was going to fall in first.
Now, here are some highlights!
-No one got too burned
-The kids got along so well
-Memories were made
-Biblical fellowship was very evident
-Devotions happened
-Worship time on Sunday
And, we are looking forward to getting together again next year!
I hope to post some pictures soon.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: Family Fun, Vacation
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The 4th of July
We decided to stay home for the 4th of July because the next day we were going on vacation. Tim bought a few fireworks for Josh and Erika to do at home. We spared just a minor injury with Josh...a little burn from the lighter.
Posted by
8:44 PM
Labels: Family Fun, Holidays