I just received word that the Entre Rios team arrived safely at 1:30am this morning! Everyone is well and no one managed to get sick on the 3-4 hour bus ride to Entre Rios. Praise God! They had a worship time this morning lead by George Romanacce.
Tim, Derek, David, & Chris hopefully will arrive in Entre Rios this afternoon. From what I heard, there was room on the plane last night but the pilot did not want to wait for these men who were not far behind. Fortunately, we have a God who is in complete control over all things.
If anyone hears any updates from the LaPaz team, post a comment to let us know how they are doing.
Virginia Knowles has a website with some Bolivia pictures from 2 years ago when her daughter, Julia went there. www.virginiaknowles.com/bolivia
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Entre Rios Team Arrives at Entre Rios
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Friday, June 29, 2007
Entre Rios Team Goes to Tarija
Well, I just heard from Tim that the flight was overbooked going to Tarija. The last four people did not get on the plane. That included Tim, Chris Morgan, Derek Walley and David Bush. Fortunately, David speaks Spanish which is such a blessing. The plan is to put the four guys up in a hotel overnight and catch a plan to Tarija in the morning.
Pray that these men will be able to get to Entre Rios tomorrow. God is in control.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Entre Rios Team Arrives in Cochabamba
I spoke with Tim about 2:45pm and he said they arrived safely at Cochabamba. They are now awaiting to board a plane to Tarija. It will be a short flight. Then on a bus to Entre Rios. He said everyone is well so far (no sickness) but all are a little tired.
The three amigos are doing great as everyone else.
Please pray for the last leg of the trip. This will probably be the most challenging part of their journey (the 4 hour bus ride).
Tim said that Chris Morgan who was in Miami trying to get a passport was able to and joined the team in Miami!
I was hoping to get a email from the team leader from the LaPaz team. If I hear from him, I will post it on the blog.
Tim said he would try to contact me tomorrow. I hope to update then.
Posted by
3:32 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Bolivia Team Arrives in Santa Cruz
Tim just called (7:44am) and the team got into Santa Cruz safely at 6:30 am. The LaPaz team left to go to their destination. The Entre Rios team will catch a flight at approx 1:00pm.
Continue to pray for traveling mercies. This is where it could get challenging for the Entre Rios team. And, pray that the LaPaz team will acclimate to the higher altitude.
Posted by
7:48 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Bolivia Team Departs from Miami
I just spoke with Tim (10:40 pm) and he said the team is boarding the plane. It took them a couple hours to check in at the airport. He said everyone is doing well. They are on a plane with another mission group.
Let's pray that the team gets some sleep on the plane.
Posted by
9:07 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Bolivia Team Leaves from MLC
The team left safely about 2:00pm from Metro Life Church. There were many tears being shed as the team was leaving behind family and friends. But, there was a lot of rejoicing knowing that the team was on their way doing what God was calling each one to do.
I had to follow the bus for about one mile on 436 as I walked away with the digital camera Tim and Erika was going to use. That was pretty funny as Tim gets out of the bus on 436 to grab the camera and immediately get back on before the light turned green. I'm so glad we noticed when we did!
Posted by
3:04 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Bolivia Send Off!
Wow! It is hard to believe that this day is already here. All the details have been worked out and I think Tim and Erika are ready to go.
They depart from Metro Life Church via bus to Miami. Then off to Bolivia. I believe at some point the LaPaz team and the Entre Rios team go their separate ways. Travel time is approximately 36 hours! Please pray that they get ample sleep on the plane.
Please continue to pray with me as their mission is just beginning. I hope to post when I hear word from them.
And, I know many of you prayed for the passport to come. Your prayers truly lifted Erika up! She was overwhelmed by your care and concern. Thanks again!
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 1 day
Passport is in! Thanks for your prayers.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Bolivia Countdown 1 day
We are praying that Erika's passport comes this morning. We found out that the agency mailed her passport via regular mail. That means, it probably will not make it by Thursday. So, I called yesterday and they were going to re-issue the passport and mail it FedEx. It has been a challenging couple weeks but we have seen the hand of God working in mighty ways.
Pray that all the last minute details like packing will get done.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 2 days
Some good news. Erika's passport has been completed and processed. Now, I hope to find out when it will be delivered. Erika has embraced this very well and was a source of encouragement for me today!
Please pray that the bus ride down to Miami and the plane flight would serve to prepare the team for their mission.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 3 days
Okay, no passport yet for Erika. Please pray that I would get some definite answer today. Erika is doing well despite no passport yet.
Posted by
3:02 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 4 days
Many people are sensing relationships are going to form within the team. Please pray that this does happen and there will be a sense of community. In addition, pray that relationships with the people in Bolivia will be formed.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 5 days
Not much longer and I will be saying "Adios" to Tim and Erika for 11 days. Continue to pray that Erika's passport comes in. They now know me at Mel Martinez' office! Erika is getting a little anxious but has handled it very well. I really believe God is working in her heart.
Posted by
12:10 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Friday, June 22, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 6 days
Wow! Tim received his passport but Erika did not. I continue to make calls and it is like pulling teeth. Please pray that her passport comes in real soon. Also, pray for traveling mercies for the whole team.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 7 days
As the days draw near, Tim and Erika are trying not to lose focus. There is a lot to accomplish with only 7 days left...shopping for all the essentials and packing. Please pray that I am able to assist as much as possible in the process so that Tim and Erika can continue praying and preparing their hearts.
No passports yet.
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 8 days
Please pray for the team in general. That they would work well together and build friendships that would last a lifetime. Yes, and continue to pray that passports come in.
Posted by
9:36 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 9 days
No passports as of yet. Tim and Erika still have time to get them in. Please pray that Erika would not get sick while in Bolivia. She would readily admit her fear of getting sick. However, as we have been praying for the last six months, I have noticed God really working in her as it relates to fear.
Posted by
12:11 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 10 days
Please pray for the health of the team especially that they wouldn't be hindered in anyway to accomplish the mission God has called them to. I hope that everyone is doing well. Tim was experiencing some back pain yesterday.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 11 days
Well, no passports as of yet. Please continue to pray that they come in. I will make a call on Tuesday.
Posted by
12:10 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 12 days
Please pray that for the next few days Tim and Erika's thoughts would be focused on God. Our family has a very busy week ahead of us and I know there will be temptation to worry or fret about what needs to get done.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Friday, June 15, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 13 days
Please pray that Tim and Erika continue to prepare their hearts for this mission trip. We continue to pray that God would allow them in a special way to go into this trip with their hands open versus closed. That God's will would be done and not their own.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 14 days
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: Bolivia
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bolivia Countdown 15 days
Will you join me in praying for the next couple weeks for Tim and Erika as they prepare to go ? Each day, I will specifically have a prayer request. If you have a word or something to share I know they would appreciate it.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Labels: Bolivia
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Dinner & Diamonds!
Last night Tim and I celebrated our 20th anniversary! Tim really put a lot of thought into the whole evening. We went to Ruth Chris in Winter Park for dinner and dessert. That is one of my favorite places to eat. Then, he gave me a card that was really encouraging. What was interesting about what he wrote was almost identical to what I wrote in the blog (he hadn't read the blog yet). He talked about sharing many more years together as well as how God never left or foresake us during our marriage.
Also, inside the card was a picture of a diamond ring. He actually drew a picture. I got to say, it was a pretty decent drawing! I get to pick out a new ring!!! Many more details to the evening that I will just leave out for the sake of keeping this blog family oriented! What a wonderful evening. Thanks to all for your encouragement throughout the years. It really means a lot to us.
Well, off to go pick out my diamond. Actually, I'm not going just yet... just thought it was fun to say and a good ending to my post.
Posted by
8:47 AM
Labels: Marriage
Sunday, June 10, 2007
20 Years Ago!
This is actually our wedding attire. We were married in Omaha, Nebraska where Tim was stationed. Who would have known... a guy originally from California meets a girl originally from New York. It definitely is a God thing.
What do think of my fluffy hair? Oh, this if very tame compared to some other pictures! I really don't know how Tim got away with his fluff on the top of his head seeing that he was in the military at the time. For a better effect, double click on the picture.
Seriously, God has poured out his mercy on my marriage. Even in the midst of many trials and changes, He never left us nor has He forsaken us. And for that, I'm truly grateful.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Labels: Marriage
Friday, June 8, 2007
Celebrating 20 years together on June 12th
It's hard to believe 20 years ago, Tim and I were married!
At homegroup the other night we were trying to figure out what the 20th anniversary represented. Did we ever find out what it was? I'm thinking diamonds.. Anyone with me on that?
Anyway, through the trials and triumphs of our marriage God has been so faithful. I pray that Tim and I grow even closer together with each anticipating year.
Hopefully, I will try to post a picture of Tim and I 20 years ago. If, you promise not to laugh!
Posted by
4:27 PM
Labels: Marriage
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Fresh Air Boy from the Bronx!
Being in Upstate New York brought back so many fond memories of growing up there.
My brother grew up having three sisters and lots of girls in the neighborhood. So, my parents thought it would be a great idea to have a boy my brother could play with. With that said, my parents found out about hosting a "fresh air boy" from New York City for a couple weeks during the summer. This also was a chance for a "city boy" to come and experience the country (grass & fresh air).
Before you know it, Jeff came via train for a couple weeks during the summer. One summer turned into many more summers and a couple weeks turned into several weeks. A summer turned into spending other times together as well as meeting Jeff' family from the Bronx. Jeff was part of our family who we loved and called our brother.
Jeff brought the city to the country and we were introduced to many things about living in the Bronx. And, he got a taste of the country... like riding his banana seat bike!
Many years have past. Jeff now lives in California with his family. Though thousands of miles separate us, we still keep and contact and love Jeff. He is our brother, not the "Fresh Air Boy from the Bronx."
Posted by
10:19 PM
Labels: Vacation
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Our Vacation - God is so Good!
Wow! There is so much to tell about our trip. Rather than writing about the specific things we did on our vacation, I just want to communicate how good God has been to us.
I feel extremely blessed that God provided the means for us to go on this family vacation. It has been a challenging year financially for us yet God has been so good.
In addition, our vacation went smoothly. No broken bones or sickness. I did get shin splints and blisters on my feet! It really could have been worse...
I was a little concerned about Josh though. Anytime we change his routine there is a chance for him to have seizures. Once again, God is so good. Josh did very well and did not have any seizures!
Also, just being with Tim and my kids; we were able to make so many fun memories together.
We had an opportunity to see a popular broadway show the last night we were in the city. Only two of us could go. Erika who loves all the broadway shows said "Mom, I don't want to go if we can't all go together. I don't want to break up the family tonight." Yes, God is so good.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Labels: Vacation
NYC Subway!
We took the subway just about everywhere! We loved it!
Posted by
1:05 PM
Labels: Vacation
Friday, June 1, 2007
Our NYC Trip
Well, we just got back from our ten day vacation to NYC and Upstate NY. It was a fabulous trip! God has been so good to us! I feel extremely blessed to have spent such an amazing time with my family.
Please check back in a couple days. I'm really going to journal our trip and hopefully convey the goodness of God.
Posted by
10:57 PM
Labels: Vacation
Ellis Island - Immigration Site
I found Ellis Island fasinating! Very rich in history! The whole family did the audio tour which I highly recommend. Thanks Cissy! My great grandparents from Italy came over in the early 1900's.
Posted by
4:44 PM
Labels: Vacation
Brooklyn Bridge
We walked the Brooklyn Bridge. I don't know how many miles it was. I had shin splints and blisters by the end of the day!
Posted by
4:29 PM
Labels: Vacation