Friday, June 29, 2007

Entre Rios Team Goes to Tarija

Well, I just heard from Tim that the flight was overbooked going to Tarija. The last four people did not get on the plane. That included Tim, Chris Morgan, Derek Walley and David Bush. Fortunately, David speaks Spanish which is such a blessing. The plan is to put the four guys up in a hotel overnight and catch a plan to Tarija in the morning.

Pray that these men will be able to get to Entre Rios tomorrow. God is in control.


Bobby DeSantis said...

Thanks so much for the Blog. My family and I are cheching it often as our son, Tony is on the Entre Rios Team along with Tim. I'm going to forward you an email we recieved from our caregroup leaders daugher Emily, who wrote us here (we're from Gulf Coast) when she got to the hotel.(I thought you might like to read what's going on with the other team)
The following is a cut and paste of her email:

Hey there,
I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on with us here. There are computers at the hotel, which is really nice and means I can do this updating thing. :] The only problem is that they're spanish computers and therefore very hard to type on.

Anyway, we arrived in Santa Cruz early this morning after a long and gruelling day of travelling including a very long bus ride and a very long plane ride on which most of us at least attempted to sleep, though not all of us could. I did okay. Basically in Santa Cruz, suddenly everyone was speaking spanish and would only speak english if you looked at them funny or just stood there staring when they had given an instruction. We were suddenly the second language, which was a bit of a culture shock. The Entre Rios team had a really long delay and from what I can gather, they are supposed to get to Entre Rios at around 9 tonight. Or at least that's what I hear. The La Paz team had to leave right away because our delay wasn't long at all. We didn't even properly say goodbye to the Entre Rios team. We had to go outside to get to the plane and the sun was just rising and it was so beautiful, we all got really excited all of a sudden because it hit us that we were in South America, not long from La Paz. That plane was only about an hour, and I slept through about half of it.

La Paz is absolutely gorgeous. It's literally shaped like a bowl and it's breathtaking to look at it from above. We met the pastor of the church here as well as Pablo, who´s going to basically be guiding us through our mission trip. They're all so nice, it's incredible. A bunch of us started suffering from altitude sickness pretty much right after we got off the plane. We're better now, but there's still a lot of headaches and exhaustion and a little nausea. It's also really cold here which is surreal, seeing as it´s June. I've been totally thrown off time-wise all day. I thought it was 5:30pm when it was 11:30am. We just can't grasp the fact that we had breakfast at around 4:30 this morning and our naps were morning naps, not afternoon ones.

Tomorrow morning, we're leaving for a youth retreat a little ways down the mountain where it will be warmer and less...high. We won't have the internet access for the 5 days we'll be down there. Then we come back up here for the last few days. Tonight we're going to meet the La Paz church youth at their youth meeting where Daryn will be preaching.

I miss everybody a lot, and can't wait to see you when I get back!

Disclaimer: I'm still incredibly sleep deprived and altitude sicky and I almost feel hung over, so any spelling errors that can't be blamed on the keyboard and all lack of brain power is to be blamed on that. :]

I will keep you up to date with anything Emily sends us so all can see.
Again thanks and we're all praying for everyone!
In Christ,
Bobby and Paula DeSantis

Tammy said...

Thanks for the update on the LaPaz team!