Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fresh Air Boy from the Bronx!

Being in Upstate New York brought back so many fond memories of growing up there.

My brother grew up having three sisters and lots of girls in the neighborhood. So, my parents thought it would be a great idea to have a boy my brother could play with. With that said, my parents found out about hosting a "fresh air boy" from New York City for a couple weeks during the summer. This also was a chance for a "city boy" to come and experience the country (grass & fresh air).

Before you know it, Jeff came via train for a couple weeks during the summer. One summer turned into many more summers and a couple weeks turned into several weeks. A summer turned into spending other times together as well as meeting Jeff' family from the Bronx. Jeff was part of our family who we loved and called our brother.

Jeff brought the city to the country and we were introduced to many things about living in the Bronx. And, he got a taste of the country... like riding his banana seat bike!

Many years have past. Jeff now lives in California with his family. Though thousands of miles separate us, we still keep and contact and love Jeff. He is our brother, not the "Fresh Air Boy from the Bronx."

1 comment:

Medana22 said...

Jonathan and Chris are 30 if that helps:)