Saturday, June 30, 2007

Entre Rios Team Arrives at Entre Rios

I just received word that the Entre Rios team arrived safely at 1:30am this morning! Everyone is well and no one managed to get sick on the 3-4 hour bus ride to Entre Rios. Praise God! They had a worship time this morning lead by George Romanacce.

Tim, Derek, David, & Chris hopefully will arrive in Entre Rios this afternoon. From what I heard, there was room on the plane last night but the pilot did not want to wait for these men who were not far behind. Fortunately, we have a God who is in complete control over all things.

If anyone hears any updates from the LaPaz team, post a comment to let us know how they are doing.

Virginia Knowles has a website with some Bolivia pictures from 2 years ago when her daughter, Julia went there.


Peg Ballinger said...

Noelle called us around 11 am and confirmed that they made it to Entre Rios! She said she kept her eyes closed for most of the bus ride. Actually, night time is better because of seeing lights from around the curves. She said God's prescence was very real during the worship time which seems to be a consistent on these mission trips! They will rest today and have a chance to look around. God is good!!!

Tracy said...

Oh I am so glad that no one got sick on that crazy bus ride! Praise the Lord!! I cannot wait to hear what God is going to do during this time in Bolivia. We will continue to pray for health and safety.

GLRomanacce said...

Received a call from Alyssa this evening. The 4 guys arrived safely, the medical team was able to sort all the medicines and they even did a clinic today. She is helping with distributing the medications and told me her spanish is coming in handy considering that most of the people they saw today can't read so she is having to explain how to use the medication verbally. They are all well, tired but having an amazing time. Arlene

Bobby DeSantis said...

Tony called tonight - very briefly, but it was good to hear his voice. He said the bus ride into Entre Rios was "crazy," and he had to play his harmonica to keep the bus driver awake! (aaaahhh!) The scenery is very beautiful. He said he thinks they treated around 100 people in the clinic today. They'll be in Entre Rios again tomorrow and then hiking in the mountains the next day.

Thanks to everyone for the continued updates.

Bobby & Paula

Kathy Morgan said...

Thank you Griffith Family for this blog! It does my heart well to know that my son Chris, along with the other 3 made it considering they were bumped and all on the plane. I'm sure God had a reason. My prayer for this whole group is to see many signs and wonders! And safety! God's perfect will to be done in all things. Love you all, Kathy Morgan