Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bolivia Send Off!

Wow! It is hard to believe that this day is already here. All the details have been worked out and I think Tim and Erika are ready to go.

They depart from Metro Life Church via bus to Miami. Then off to Bolivia. I believe at some point the LaPaz team and the Entre Rios team go their separate ways. Travel time is approximately 36 hours! Please pray that they get ample sleep on the plane.

Please continue to pray with me as their mission is just beginning. I hope to post when I hear word from them.

And, I know many of you prayed for the passport to come. Your prayers truly lifted Erika up! She was overwhelmed by your care and concern. Thanks again!

1 comment:

Debi Walter said...

How exciting, Tammy! I will pray for their safe trip and many wonderful testimonies to share of God's faithfulness. Tracy went to Bolivia four years ago - hard to believe it was that long ago. She remembers her time there fondly. I look forward to reading your posts.