Monday, July 9, 2007

Bolivia Team Arrives at Santa Cruz Airport/Coming Home!

I just spoke with Tim and he said they all arrived at the Santa Cruz airport at 9:00pm. Their plane does not depart until 1:00am. So, they should arrive in Miami about 7:00am?

God is so faithful! I'm freshly aware of His love and kindness during these last 12 days!

I've enjoyed communicating with you all via the blog. I'm overwhelmed by the care and prayer that was displayed during this time. It really is a direct reflection of your love for the Savior!

I'm looking forward to keeping in contact!

***I will have pictures on this blog tomorrow night. So, check back!!!


Debi Walter said...

Thank you, Tammy, for your tireless effort in posting on this blog. I'm excited to hear all that God accomplished in and through the teams in Bolivia. Tomorrow you'll have your husband home - yea!!!! Isn't God good?

Jodie Gill said...

According to the Miami International website (thank you Lisa Chin for the link) their flight has arrived. Praise God they're one step closer to being home!