Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pray Without Ceasing - Part 2

Josh was diagnosed with epilepsy about 4 years ago.

Previous to his diagnosis we noticed several things that caused us to wonder. He began to drool occasionally out of the corner of his mouth. And, his hand would go numb from time to time. These two symptoms always appeared separately.

In God's kindness and His sovereign timing, an episode occurred where many symptoms appeared together. This episode lead to an emergency room visit, which lead to a hospital stay and testing. The neurologist concluded it was epilepsy and immediately put him on medication.

Immediately, our family began praying for Josh without ceasing.

Since then, Josh has battled seizures on a regular basis. He has endured many doctor visits, testing, and several changes in medication to try and control his seizures. The medication makes Josh sleep and he usually takes a nap during the day. There were times where Josh would wake up with night tremors (typical for an epileptic).

By the grace of God, Josh has experienced some good days along the way.

Please check back as I continue to communicate our life long journey of praying without ceasing for Josh. In addition, I hope to explain how such a trial has brought our family closer and how Josh has embraced this time.

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